Holding Time Verification Test
Maitech Sales and Service provide a complete solution to your Pasteuriser Holding Time Requirements.
We offer two different methods:
- The saline Test.
- The Accutest Hold Check.
The Saline Test is the traditional method where a Saline solution is injected at a point and is detected by a Conductivity Probe and timed. The Pasteuriser needs to be running on water for this test.
The Accutest Hold Check is a non-intrusive test and can be carried out during production. Thermo Couples are placed at the beginning and the end of the holding section, a heat rise is applied to the plant which is detected by the Thermo Couples and is sent to a Calibrated Logger.
The Accutest Hold Check would be the preferred method as there is virtually no disruption to production and the test is carried out on product.
Full Certification is supplied for both methods.
Please contact our service centre on +353 (0) 51 351897